We can't go anywhere without a car in New Jersey as expatriate employees have to drive a car to go to the office. My husband's co-worker, Mr. H, was assigned to work here and this is his first visit to the United States. Furthermore he hadn't driven for years in Japan, what we call a paper driver. But he had the courage to start to drive himself from the second day here. This morning he telephoned my husband to tell him that he went back to his apartment and wanted to take the day off today. That's because he got lost on the way from the office to his apartment yesterday and he was driving around NJ and NY all night. Hearing his story, he went to Brooklyn. he didn't know where he was driving. When he was at a loss at a Seven-Eleven somewhere one kind American talked to him and led his car with his own car part of the way to his apartment!!! What a nice story, isn't it? He had another episode when he was lost and went to a gas station, where one old man bought him a road map and explained where he was. Mr. H was happy to meet kind Americans but got tired... Soon after he bought a car navigation system. This is a heartwarming story, but funny... Otherwise, I also have to drive here in the not too distant future, so there is no time to laugh at the others...